A 16 minutes long neo-noir zombie short film
Directed by Manul Gunaratne
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
A dark comedy short about a man who desperately needs to find a freezer to prevent his late mothers last lasagna from thawing.
Directed by Britt Jessup
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
Colour by: We Are Crayon colourist Sam McCarthy
Abstract video exploring the emotions experienced by two people during an argument.
Directed by Dillon Mak
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
20 minutes long proof of concept adaptation of “Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women” written by George MacDonald.
Directed by Jamey Foxton
Independent film production
A non-fiction story told by a mother of her sons unresolved sexual abuse inside the Jehovah’s Witness community.
Directed by Milly Keller
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
3 minutes long music video for artist Darcie Haven and her debut single “I Wanna Be”. Shot for Triple J Unearthed and aired on ABC Rage
Directed by Sudip Sauden
Proof of concept for two scenes for a drama involving magicians
Directed by Mikey Burford
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
Life Goals Season 2 Episode 4. A 6 minutes long episode from a 5 episode series produced by the Australian Film Television and Radio School in partnership with Jungle Entertainment. This production simulated a real larger production environment with crew members totalling up to 40 per day.
Director: Milly Keller
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
A man tries to convince his mother to move into a nursing home because of her dementia, an 11 minute short film.
Directed by Stavros Kourounis & Dylan Kennerson
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
Proof of concept trailer for a long form sitcom series about youth workers set in the fictional Australian country town of Budgie.
Directed by Mobina Rohwani
Series created by Skye Leone & Sarah Jane Chahine
Australian Film Television and Radio School student production
A psychological thriller short film for Young Actors Assembly written by and starring their students.
I was the 2nd unit cinematographer taking over for the last day of the production that cinematographer Cameron Gaubert was not able to shoot. All screenshots were from scenes shot by me.
Directed by Mitch Firth
Client: Young Actors Assembly
A teen dystopian short film for Young Actors Assembly written by and starring their students.
Directed by Mitch Firth
Client: Young Actors Assembly